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Recent projects


Enhanced inventory tool for e-commerce apparel store

Our software development team have recently completed project for an online apparel retailer, working on Amazon and Walmart marketplaces. We've implemented an inventory management tool using Python, Docker, and React that resulted in a 30% reduction in lost revenue due to inventory inefficiencies, a 20% increase in sales across all channels, and a 15% decrease in the time spent on inventory management tasks.

Inventory or Accounting?
Inventory and Accounting!

A recent case study for software development involved an e-commerce business that needed to integrate their inventory data flow with their accounting software. This was accomplished by utilizing NodeJS, Javascript and RestAPI to manage the orders and ensure that the data was transferred properly. This enabled the business to streamline the process of managing their inventory, orders, and accounting data, making the process much more efficient.


Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The business must collect and organize data related to their inventory, sales, and other relevant factors such as weather, seasonality, and marketing campaigns.
With our AI-enabled software solutions, we help businesses optimize inventory levels, reduce waste, and ensure there is enough inventory to meet customer needs.

Training staff

We develop and implement customized training programs for our clients' employees to help them improve their skills in working with the latest IT developments in the e-commerce. Our programs cover a wide range of topics, from basic software skills to more advanced topics such as artificial intelligence and data analysis. By investing in employee training, businesses increase productivity, reduce errors, and stay competitive in an ever-changing marketplace.

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